Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thank you Dr. Taylor!

My career in nutrition science has many ups and downs, twists and turns. Lots of U-turns too. Not many people know that after completing my dietetic internship, I packed my figurative bags and waited for the first bus out of Registered Dietitian Land. I didn't fit in and didn't think there was a place for me.

Dr. Martha Taylor PhD, RD, FADA
One woman helped changed this: Dr. Martha Taylor from The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. And, today Dr. Taylor is officially retiring.

As I completed my dietetic internship (fondly remembered by many RDs as our year of unpaid torture), I expressed my desire to change professions. I recall awkwardly explaining to her my desire to get to know my clients more instead of telling them what to do; appreciating the challenge of change and curious about its science. Dr. Taylor agreed and let me know our profession needed this diversity of thinking. Further, she let me know UNCG had a wonderful Counseling Department. A counseling master's degree potentially could marry my ways of thinking to help in the way I envisioned.

I remember putting her thoughts, suggestions, and empowerment in my back pocket. I chose to get a clinical nutrition job (still have that first paycheck stub!) yet wandered until I found the UNCG Counseling Department. Completing the master's degree, as she described, helped me find my niche and life work.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart Dr. Taylor. Your words and encouragement have helped feed my soul and find my place in this world.


Header Image from Bangbouh @ Flickr